Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana 2023 Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana | JGSY Scheme | Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana JGSY Online Form | Pradhan Mantri jawahar gram samridhi yojana | jawahar gram samridhi yojana in hindi | swarnajayanti gram swarozgar yojana
The scheme is a restructured, simplified and more comprehensive version of the erstwhile Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. This includes creating infrastructure, creating community assets and therefore creating jobs. in the villages JGSY Advertising campaign on, especially those of substantial BPL population. It includes re-evaluation of the scheme at a higher (national) level to assess its intrinsic value. of the government Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana 2023 is fully implemented at Gram Panchayat level. Funds to District Rural Development Agencies (DRDAs)/Zilla Parishads (ZPs) including State Matching Account will be released directly to Gram Panchayats.
Table of Contents
Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana 2023
Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana 2023 (JGSY) is a restructured, simplified and comprehensive version of the erstwhile Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY). Launched on 1 April 1999, it is designed to improve the living standards of the rural poor by providing them with additional paid employment.
Creating demand-driven rural infrastructure, including sustainable assets, to enhance sustained employment and additional employment opportunities for the unemployed poor in rural areas. people living in villages Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY) constitutes the target group. Preference is given to SC/ST families living below poverty line and physically challenged persons.
The Gram Panchayat is the sole authority for the preparation of the Annual Action Plan and its implementation with the approval of the Gram Sabha. 22.5% of JGSY funds allocated to individual beneficiary schemes for SG/ST. Three percent of the annual allocation will be used to create barrier-free infrastructure for people with disabilities.
The state government will fix the wages as per JGSY. Gram Panchayats will have the power to execute works/schemes up to Rs 50,000 with the approval of the Gram Sabha. However, for works/schemes costing more than Rs.50,000, after getting the approval of the Gram Sabha, the Gram Panchayat shall obtain the technical/administrative approval of the competent authorities. Villages in one year for administrative/contingencies and for taking technical advice Rs 7,500 for panchayats Or 7.5% of the amount is allowed to be spent. 15% of the money can be spent on property maintenance.
Funds for gram panchayats will be allocated on the basis of population, without the ceiling of Rs 10,000 at present. DRDA / ZP / Intermediate Panchayats will be responsible for overall guidance, coordination, supervision, monitoring and periodic reporting.
Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana Milestones
The name of the scheme | Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana 2023 |
old name | Jawahar Rozgar Yojana |
Short form of the scheme | JGSY |
sponsored by | Central Govt |
Release date | April 1999 |
official site | niti.gov.in |
PDF guide | Click here |
Schema status | is turned on |
mode of application | Online |
Department | NITI Aayog |
Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana Restructuring
Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana (JGSY): Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) was restructured and streamlined with effect from April 1999 and renamed as Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana (JGSY) was done.
The main objective of JGSY is to create demand-driven village infrastructure, including sustainable assets at the village level, thereby enabling the rural poor to sustainably increase employment opportunities.
The secondary objective is to generate additional employment for the unemployed poor in rural areas. Wage employment under the program is granted to families below the poverty line (BPL).
Although there is no sectoral allocation of resources under JGSY, 22.5% of the annual allocation is to be spent on SC/ST beneficiary schemes and 3% of the annual allocation is to be used for creating barrier-free infrastructure for persons with disabilities . It is. , Another objective is to generate additional jobs for the unemployed poor in rural areas.
How to Apply for Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana
Now you all have to think about it after all this Jawahar Gram Samriddhi Yojana How to apply, how we will benefit from this scheme, then we tell you that currently there is no need to apply for this scheme, if you live in a village and want to avail this scheme, then you can apply for Gram Samridhi Yojana. You can easily avail the benefits, you don’t need to apply anywhere
Here let us tell you all that this scheme is no longer implemented separately, the government has merged the program of this scheme with Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Scheme (NAREGA) and similarly many employment program schemes have been merged with NREGA scheme. implemented in the framework so now you must have understood that you don’t have to apply in this scheme and how you will get the benefits of the scheme
Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme – Mnrega Job Card 2022 Download
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