Mp E Uparjan Rabi fasal Registration | Rabi Crop Procurement Registration Online | Rabi Fasal MSP Apply Online | E Uparjan Rabi 2022-23 | Kharif Procurement Application Form – e-panjiyan mp
Madhya Pradesh state government is inviting online applications for Mp E Uparjan Kharif and Ravi crops, so all farmers can register online by visiting the official website of Bhai MP E,
Now all the farmers who want to sell their agricultural produce of Rabi season such as wheat and other rabi crops etc. to the government at the Minimum Support Price (MSP) in government market mandis, they can apply online for this
To complete this process, all farmers have to make online E Uparjan Rabi 2021-22 Kisan registration on the official website through kisan E code and also to complete this process, e uparjan kisan mobile app from all Kisan Bhai Official Website Can also download.
Table of Contents
MP E-Uparjan 2022-23
Through the e-procurement of the government, a total of 118.57 lakh farmers have been registered for the minimum support price-free of cost in the last 5 years, out of which 2415.62 lakh M from 64.35 lakh farmers. T. grain was purchased, worth Rs. 69111 crore was paid.
After the receipt of food grains from farmers through e-procurement, the receipt of sale of grains to them and the amount of grains sold by them will be deposited in their bank account within seven office days. Through the e-procurement software, the grain is released to the collection center and the gunny bags are released and the gunny bags are received. The entire process of procurement of food grains at the procurement center will be done only through e-procurement software.
Under the process of E-Uparjan, there are 4 steps by which the operation of buying, selling and transporting goods can be done so that a correct plan can be made.
Cm Kisan Kalyan Yojana Status Check / Online apply 2022
Mp E Uparjan Ravi fasal Registration 2022-23
We are going to tell you the whole process of how to register Mp E Uparjan 2022 online to sell Ravi crop, here is the complete information step by step of doing Farmer Registration Online, which you can easily follow the process of registration can complete:
- To register Mp E Uparjan Kisan, first of all visit the official website of the scheme
- After reaching the website, click on the link “किसान पंजीयन/आवेदन सर्च” on HomePage

- If the above link does not work, then click on the link “Rabi 2022-23” available in the “Wheat (Wheat)” section

- Now click on the link “Get information related to registration with Kisan Code” available in the new page

- After clicking on the link given above, now the MP e Uparjan Farmers Online Registration Form will open in front of you.

- Now the applicant has to apply here / Farmer Code, Mobile no. Or select one option out of the total number
- After this, the requested information has to be filled in such as captcha code mobile number etc. and after that click on the “Search Farmer” button
Finally, applicants can click the submit button to complete the farmer registration process. In addition, each farmer will then get an SMS on his registered mobile number, stating the date of purchase in the mandis.
Then the farmers will be able to sell their wheat crop for the Rabi season and get proper payment.
Purchase wheat on MSP
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, in his official tweet on the Twitter handle, has officially announced the purchase of rabi crops from farmers in mandis, he said in his tweet
“Rabi procurement will start in MP from April 15. All farmer brothers are requested to take their wheat on the date and time received by SMS and come to the purchase center. All farmer brothers cooperate in dealing with the Corona crisis.
And also through his tweet, he also said that the date of purchase will be announced separately in Bhopal, Indore and Ujjain districts. Because for the moment this district is still the center of attraction of Coronavirus, hence the date for these districts will be announced separately ”
To assist farmers in procurement, the total number of wheat procurement centers has been increased. It is advisable to farmers that farmers who are suffering from any disease should not come to the purchase center themselves. They should come only when it comes to selling wheat.
e Uparjan Kharif 2020-21
Government has started the application process for Kharif crop 2020-21 on the mp e uparjan portal . After Ravi crop, applicants can register for their Kharif crop. The complete application process is given below which you can follow.
Registration for Kharif crop on the procurement portal of Madhya Pradesh is being done under Kharif Procurment Monitoring System 2020-21 and new guidelines have also been issued to apply on the portal.
Kharif Procurement 2022 kisan Registration
How to register Mp E Uparjan 2022 online for Kharif crop, we are going to tell you here below, which you can follow:
- Those farmers who want to register for Kharif 2020 21, first of all, have to go to Madhya Pradesh E Procurement Portal
- On the home page of the website, you will find a new link of “Kharif Earnment 2020-21 Kisan Registration Application” on which you have to click or you can also click on “Kharif 2020-21” link under Kharif section.

- If you click on the link given under the Kharif section, now you will reach a new page, here you have to once again click on the link “Kisan Kharif Registration Application for the Kharif Procurement Year 2020-21” .

- As soon as you click on the link mentioned above, you will now get the necessary instructions for farmer registration, after reading which you have to click the “ Click for registration” button.

- After clicking on the link mentioned above, now the MP e Uparjan Farmers Registration Form will open in front of you.

- Now the applicant has to apply here / Farmer Code, Mobile no. Or it is mandatory to enter any 2 information in the whole number
- After this, the requested information has to be filled in such as captcha code mobile number etc. and after that click on the “Search” button
Finally, applicants can click the submit button to complete the farmer registration process.
Required Documents
If you are going to the website to register online, then you have to first gather some necessary documents or you should be aware of them. Here is a list of all the documents which are given below as follows:
- mobile number
- Farmer Code or Composite ID
- Address proof
- Copy of bank passbook
- Identity Proof
- Address Proof
- Passport size photos
- Aadhar card
Objectives Of Madhya Pradesh E Uparjan
This is very important for all the farmers of the state of Madhya Pradesh. With this initiative, the farmers of the state get many benefits such as they can sell their crop at a fair price to the procurement center Parbaja reach. Some other important objectives of this scheme Are as follows:
- Through the government’s E Uparjan Initiative, people will be able to sell their Ravi crop at government procurement centers at the right prices (minimum support price)
- After receipt of food grains from farmers from E Uparjan, the receipt of sale of grain to them and the amount of grain sold by them will be deposited in their bank account in seven office days.
- Through the MP E Uparjan software, the grain is released to the collection center and the gunny bags are released and the gunny bags are received.
- The entire process of purchasing food grains to be done in the procurement center will be done through the government’s E Uparjan technical system.
- A plan was made to cover the whole of Madhya Pradesh by E Uparjan Application, so that grain, wheat and paddy are monitored in every district of Madhya Pradesh.
Benefits of MP E-Uparjan Portal
MP E Uparjan Portal 2020-21 is very important for Farmer registration. It provides many benefits to all farmers of the state. Some of these important benefits are as follows:
- Through this portal, all farmers can register online to sell the crop from their mobile or computer at home.
- Madhya Pradesh government has also released a separate mobile app along with this portal, which you can use in your mobile to register the farmer
- With the help of online portal people can register sitting at home, this will save their time.
- With the help of this portal people can send their crop at the minimum support price
- Any farmer of the state can take advantage of this scheme.
- The government has made this process online so that people will not face any problem in registering.
Madhya Pradesh E Uparjan Mobile App Download
To register the farmer and to take advantage of all the benefits of E-procurement, you can download the government-issued E-Earnings App. The link to download the app is given below, by clicking on it you can easily download the App.

To download the scheme’s app, first of all visit the official website of the scheme: Direct Link-
You can click on the link below to reach the download page
After reaching the download page, now fill in your mobile number and overall ID, click on the button “Get download link” and the link of the app will be sent to your mobile number which you can download